Capa / Notícias / 2nd debate: Confronting the racist and patriarchal capitalism: strategies and visions of dispute to change the model of reproductions and consumption

2nd debate: Confronting the racist and patriarchal capitalism: strategies and visions of dispute to change the model of reproductions and consumption


The debate gathered Graça Samo (WMW – Mozambique), Karin Nansen (Amigos da Terra – Uruguay), Wendy Cruz Sanchez (Via Campesina – Honduras), the mediation of Tica Moreno (WMW – Brazil). Women presented and discussed their perspective on feminist economy and the strategic actions that the World March of Women and other ally organizations have in common.

Wendy affirmed we are living the vanish of state as provider of rights and, on the other hand, there is a false reasoning about representativity that makes some women feel part of this system that produces greed and hopelessness. She warned that capitalism has several to get together and that we who fight this system have to create new strategies to confront it. We need, according to her, to point out the concretion of this death-based system. We can’t naturalize the agrobusiness, the militarization and the mega-projects. For her, the collective responses to this reality also have to be concrete. For Via Campesina, the food and people’s sovereignty are important parts of this resistence proposition.

For Karin, the critique of the economic crisis has to be founded on the feminist economy. The causes of this is the operation of capitalist system, in which the common assets and the labour of women are understood as endless sources of exploration. It means that ending this system is, also, ending the sexual division of labour. If women are the front-line in social and economic struggle, the reason is their strong compromise with changing the world and the lives of women and not because of a natural connection.

Graça Samo agrees with her. For Graça, women have to be together to confront the “giants” of this system that kills everyday. The experience of women makes it possible to think of solutions for despoliation. Graça also affirms that the anti-system feminist movement has to have its own agenda and value its own organizing processes.

For Tica Moreno, from Brazil, the diversity of experiences and women who compose the anti-system feminist organizations should be strengthening instead of a source of dissolution. These organizations are capable of making a complete critique of capitalist system and put the defense of life as central interest.

With these considerations, the first day of the International Seminar ended. The actvity gathers feminist activists from countries in America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Middle-East and it is a event for creation of strategic thinking.


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