Capa / Notícias (page 25)


5th Debate | Resisting for living: elements to a strategic construction of the movement

In this wednesday (19), the last day of the international seminar “Resistance and Movement Building: Confronting Neoliberalism from the Feminist Economics and the Commons” which began on June 17, feminists from various countries discussed a strategic build of the feminism. The activity, organized by the World March of Women (WMW), ...

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Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres en Solidaridad con Rita Nyampinga

Con profunda preocupación recibimos la noticia de la detención de Rita Nyampinga, compañera y parte de la coordinación nacional de Zimbabwe de la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres, en el aeropuerto de Harare, cuando regresaba de un curso de capacitación en derechos humanos.  Actualmente, Rita está a la espera de ...

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World March of Women in Solidarity with Rita Nyampinga

It is with a deep concern that we received the notice of arrest of Rita Nyampinga, a comrade and Coordinator of Zimbabwe chapter of World March of Women, in the airport of Harare, when returning from a Human Rights Training.  Currently, Rita is awaiting a call to court on 20 June ...

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Marche Mondiale des Femmes en solidarité avec Rita Nyampinga

C’est avec une profonde inquiétude que nous avons apris l’arrestation de Rita Nyampinga, notre camarade et coordonnatrice  de la Marche mondiale des femmes au Zimbabwe à l’aéroport de Harare, au retour d’une formation sur les droits humains.  Actuellement, Rita est en attente d’un appel au tribunal le 20 juin 2019. ...

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Challenge for organization of anti-capitalist feminism is discussed by the World March of Women

This afternoon of tuesday (18), the international seminar “Resistance and Movement Construction: confronting neoliberalism from feminist economist and the commons,” organized by the World March of Women (WMW), which gathers feminist activists from countries of the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, discussed the challenges of the feminist ...

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